Introduction XX
For a while I've written my blog using Pelican, a static website/blog generator. This and a simple rsync script was more than enough to implement a simple writing pipeline:
- edit some file
- issue the "pelican" build command to make the site
- when is good rsync to the hosting server
The only fancy feature was having two branches for the site code, so I can always have an online "beta" version along a "prod" version.
Nothing remarkable here.. then I've switched to Lektor.
leveraging a tool to write documentation
I'm always been in awe using Confluence: I consider a best in class wiki/documentation system.
But lektor can be used to if not to replace, at least to approximate a personal version of it, the advantages being:
- a stand alone server to rebuild the site on change
- a neat extension/themes system
- the general feeling that support behind is a little bit better
On top of it it can be used behind a CD/CI system to automate the publishing.